Fire Protection and Prevention Ontario Fire Code
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Subsection 4.9.1.  Application

Application  (1)  This Section applies to those areas or buildings in distilleries where distilled beverage alcohols are concentrated, blended, mixed, stored or packaged.

(2)  The storage, handling and use of flammable liquids or combustible liquids, other than distilled beverage alcohols, in a distillery shall conform to this Part.

(3)  If there is a conflict between the requirements of this Section and any other requirement in this Part, other than a requirement of Section 4.12, this Section shall prevail.

(4)  Where there are conflicts between this Part and the regulations made under the Excise Act (Canada) with regard to security of the product and measurement methods, the Excise Act (Canada) shall prevail.

Subsection 4.9.2.  General

Building classification  (1)  Except as provided in Sentence (2), buildings or parts thereof in which distilled beverage alcohol is distilled, processed or stored in bulk shall be classified as high hazard industrial occupancies.

(2)  Buildings or parts thereof used for storage of closed containers of distilled beverage alcohols shall be classified as medium hazard industrial occupancies.

Subsection 4.9.3.  Storage Tanks and Containers

Design, fabrication and testing  Storage tanks, wooden vats, barrels, drums or containers used for the storage or processing of distilled beverage alcohols shall be designed, fabricated and tested for the anticipated maximum working pressure, operating temperature, internal corrosion conditions and structural stresses to which they could be subjected.

Supports, foundations and anchorage  (1)  Supports, foundations and anchorage of storage tanks shall comply with Subsection 4.3.3., except that timber supports shall be permitted.

(2)  Storage tank supports having less than a 2 h fire-resistance rating shall be protected by an automatic fire suppression system conforming to an applicable standard set out in Article

(3)  The area underneath any storage tank greater than 1.2 m in diameter shall be protected by an automatic special fire suppression system conforming to an applicable standard set out in Article

Storage tank vents  Normal and emergency vents shall be provided on storage tanks in conformance with good engineering practice.

Subsection 4.9.4.  Storage

Storage tanks, drums and barrels  (1)  Where more than 25000 L of distilled beverage alcohol in storage tanks, drums or barrels are stored inside buildings, such buildings shall be sprinklered.

(2)  For storage tank buildings protected by automatic sprinklers in conformance with NFPA 13, “Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems”, storage capacities shall not be limited.

Closed containers and storage aids  Storage of closed containers of distilled beverage alcohols, packaging materials and empty bottles, drums, barrels and pallets shall be in conformance with Part 3 of Division B of NRC, “National Fire Code of Canada”.

Subsection 4.9.5.  Piping and Pumping Systems

Design and installation  The design, fabrication, assembly and inspection of piping and pumping systems containing distilled beverage alcohols shall be suitable for the anticipated maximum working pressures, operating temperatures, internal corrosion conditions and structural stresses to which they could be subjected.

Subsection 4.9.6.  Ventilation

Ventilation  (1)  Natural or mechanical ventilation shall be provided for all areas where alcohol vapours are released from storage tanks or process equipment under normal operating conditions, to prevent the concentration of vapours from exceeding 25% of the lower explosive limit, measured 1.5 m from any equipment or from any opening subject to vapour release.

(2)  Explosion venting as outlined in Sentence is only required in the distillation areas of a distillery.

Subsection 4.9.7.  Spill Control

Spill control  Emergency drainage systems shall be provided to direct any spilled or leaked distilled beverage alcohol to a safe location.

Subsection 4.9.8.  Fire Protection

Portable extinguishers  (1)  Except as provided in Sentences (2) to (4), portable extinguishers shall be provided in conformance with Section 6.2.

(2)  Except as permitted in Sentence (3), in maturing warehouses, at least one 4A:30B:C rated portable extinguisher shall be located adjacent to each exit.

(3)  Hose stations complying with Article are permitted to be installed in lieu of portable extinguishers at locations required in Sentence (2), and spaced so that the distance travelled to the nearest hose is not greater than 25 m.

(4)  At least one portable extinguisher having a rating of 30B:C shall be located on each industrial lift truck.

Standpipe and hose systems  (1)  Except as provided in Sentence (2), standpipe and hose systems shall be provided and installed in distilleries in accordance with the Building Code.

(2)  Where a building is sprinklered in conformance with the Building Code, small hose (38 mm) stations are permitted to be supplied from interior sprinkler piping.

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